Bienal Sao Paulo

Cada 2 años en la legítima ciudad de San Pablo se lleva a cabo una de las exposiciones de arte más vanguardistas del mundo, la Bienal de San Pablo. En esta trigésima edición, el arte conceptual y la innovación de medios nos invitan a sumergirnos en un espacio de intensa motivación para cualquier mente exigente.

El Parque Ibirapuera es el pulmón verde de San Pablo, que con una extensión de 1584 km2 alberga 3 lagos artificiales y 4 modernos pabellones. Entre ellos, el diseñado por Oscar Niemeyer, el Pabellón Ciccillo Matarazzo, sede de la Bienal desde 1957. 111 artistas exponen sus obras, dan conferencias y realizan performances en el lugar, que también cuenta con una librería donde uno podrá encontrar muchos otros interesantes artistas y descubrir editoriales que inspiran prolijidad.


Every two years in the city of San Pablo legitimate takes place one of the most progressive art exhibitions in the world, Sao Paulo Biennial. On this thirteenth edition conceptual art and media innovation invite us to immerse ourselves in an area of intense motivation to any discerning mind.

Ibirapuera Park is the green heart of San Pablo, with an area of 1584 km2, 3 artificial lakes and 4 modern pavilions. Among them, designed by Oscar Niemeyer, Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, home of the Biennale since 1957. 111 artists exhibit their work, give lectures and performances made on site, which also has a library where one finds many interesting artists and publishers discover inspiring neatness.

At the Biennial’s experimental styles projection, embroidered bugs out sink, windshield gangsters killed in their cars, bottles a city where a toy train moving with spoons that are hitting the bottles and making music as they go. In the lounge there is a whole biennial drawings of «people in the rain» drawn from psychological tests, pedaling a bicycle wheel rotates a frame, There are replicas of classic paintings but these characters have chickenpox, furniture penetrating walls, doors exploded fragments floating in the air, sculptures with packages of cocaine seized by police, videos of men shooting in slow motion by the tiles from their homes, and more, much more.

Text by: Santiago Bazan


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